Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's time to cut AOL loose...


Lately I've seen a number of computer users still using AOL for email.  A few are STILL PAYING AOL.  Here are some facts:

AOL used to provide dial up access to their website and email servers.  They charged for  this service.  While AOL may still provide dial up services, most users have long since changed their computer access to FIOS or cable companies.  These users do not need the services AOL bills for.  However they still dutifully pay their monthly AOL bill.  There is no need to pay that bill.  AOL has become an News/lifestyle website like Yahoo or MSN.  Anyone who has FIOS, Comcast, Time Warner, AT&T, or others for high speed internet access do not need AOL's internet access.  AND, if you choose to continue using AOL email, you don't have to pay for it either.  It's free and has been for a long time.

There are a few options other than AOL email.  Google's Gmail is an excellent option, as is Microsoft's outlook.com email system.  Both are free and provide excellent service.  Changing email systems is also very easy.  Simply send messages to your most frequent contacts stating that you are changing email providers and give them the new email address.  You may also put an "intercept" message (using the away / vacation function) stating that this current email id is no longer used.  Do not include your new email address.  Instead, put a sentence similar to "if you know me, call me for the new email address".  This may cut down on spammers following you to your new email. 

Please give consideration to changing to an email other than AOL, and definitely call them and get them to stop charging you for free services.

Have a great Holiday Season!



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