Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Autumn is Fast Approaching!!

Where's Summer??

Notice the Chill in the morning air lately?  It's almost September, and almost time to get out the light jackets.  And almost time to begin plotting escape to Florida.  While it's nice not to have to run the A/C in the evening, I'd rather have to run it instead of anticipating the freezing temperatures that will be here all too soon.

My Remote Service

I am using a new version of my remote control software called Teamviewer. This version is branded with my logo and contact information and is easier to use for my clients.  And while there are some things that just cannot be done by remote control, a majority of tasks can be.  This allows me to offer a reduced hourly rate over site visits (also known as house calls).  That's why I am going to offer a discount over my normal low Remote Rate from now until the end of the 2014.  Check my pricing page for the news.

All for now.  I'll write more later.

