Saturday, December 6, 2014

Summer and Autumn in the rear view mirror!

December Already

Yep, it COLD, wet, cloudy weather!  Ah, New Jersey Living!  To those who left for Florida, take me with you, please!

Ok, so no takers, so I move on.

Phishing Messages

I have a friend who MAY have inadvertently replied to a Phishing message, and compromised her Banking information.  Of course, this brought up all kinds of account closings/openings, password changes and much more FUN activity.   If you receive a message from "your bank" or "your credit card company", don't click on any links.  Get out of the message and log into your institution from their own website.  If the message said your account was suspended or locked and you can get on, then the message was a false attempt to get you to give out your account information.  Be careful out there

XP Once Again

Anybody running computers with Microsoft Windows XP should buy a new computer immediately.  XP is not supported and is vulnerable to hacking attacks.  Microsoft is no longer fixing XP security issues, so it's a hackers dream to get access to all those XP computers out there.  Don't be a casualty!!  New PC's are inexpensive, PLUS there are deals out there for the holidays.  I can help.  Just call me at 732-568-4943 for recomendations.

Remember Pearl Harbor

Oh, and remember that our nation was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the Empire of Japan on December 7, 1941.  Take time from your day tomorrow to remember those who passed in the defense of our freedom.

All for now,

Have a Merry, Happy and a Happy New Year.



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