Saturday, March 17, 2007


My New Smartphone/PDA

I recently bought a Motorola Q smart device. I had been looking at the UT-Starcom 6700, and of course blackberries and Treos. I settled on the Q for a couple of reasons. First, I think the blackberries(while excellent email devices) are not really web surfing machines. Second, Treos are garbage. They constantly break, freeze up, and any number of other things. Their service records are poor. And the 6700 has an equally bad service record.

So I bought the Q. It is working fine. I have all my email id's hooked up. I can surf the web at high speeds. I am a happy camper right now. I have unrestricted email and web access on my belt.
The Q was easy to configure for the most part. The only wrinkle I had was the new Daylight Savings time thing. But it was mostly a problem on the PC side (the O/S and  outlook). Once I applied the software patch from Motorola, it appears to work fine. At this point, I'd highly recommend the Q. Let's see how I feel 6 months from now.

I got a look at Vista on a friend's laptop. I had that laptop for about 3 weeks helping him configure it. Vista is "quirky" in some respects. I also feel there is no over-riding factor that demands everyone rush out and buy Vista. If you buy a new machine and Vista comes with it then fine. But don't go out and buy the upgrade just so you have Vista. XP works fine and will continue to do so for a long time. If you have XP machines and are happy with their performance then continue to use them. During this time, hopefully most of the kinks will be worked out of Vista. Just my opinion.

Have a good day,

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