Thursday, July 10, 2014

More Trechery

My wife got a call today from someone from the "Windows Service Center".  She called me to the phone.  The guy clearly was from India, and started to say he was calling about my computer.  I said with a rather loud exclamation "Really?".  He then hung up.  And I was SOOO ready to ask him all those fun questions like "What is my computer doing again?" and "Where are you from?" and "Are you employed by Microsoft?". 

If you get such a call, you can either hang up or have some fun by tormenting them until they hang up.  Anybody who makes such calls is scamming you, trying to get control of your machine to infect it and make it a zombie that will proliferate it's virus across the internet using yours and many others' PC's.

Have a great day.
