Sunday, March 27, 2011

Winter Over?

Seems I write about every 3 months or so.  It's now March 27th and we just returned from a week in Ft Myers Beach, Fl.  Why am I still in NJ??

PC Spring Cleaning

Get your pc cleaned.  Clean up your Temporary files, Temporary Internet files, etc.  Run Disk Cleanup to get rid of the temp files.   Run Disk Defragmenter to get rid of fragmentation of your files.  Your PC will run better.  Make sure your Anti-Virus software is up to date and functioning.  Make sure your AV Signature files are updated.  One sure sign of the presence of a virus is that your AV software won't run and/or your AV signature files won't update. 

Review Options

If you're still running Windows XP on your home machine(s) then give serious consideration to upgrading your hardware to Windows 7.  Hardware prices are low and XP support is dwindling.  You will be forced to upgrade if you run into any problems with your XP machine(s).  Be proactive and take advantage of any deals the hardware companies may be offering.

Tighten your Security

Don't put your life history on social networking sites.  No need for anybody to know your exact birthday, where you went to school, and all that other stuff.  Some of the stuff you will be using for your credit card and banking sites.  Posting these bits of information on social networking sites gives identity thieves the information they need to hack your financial sites.

Turn OFF file and print sharing if you are going to use unsecured WiFi hotspots.  Reduce the possibility of getting your files appropriated by hackers.   Make sure you put passwords on your user accounts.  They are another layer of protection.  Don't have any Administrative priveledge accounts without passwords.  Don't let anybody have Administrative priveledges when they don't really need them.   Sometimes it's good for a less skilled user NOT to have Admin.  If they click on a link that wants to install a malware program, Windows may reject the attempt saying the user does not have sufficient priveledges.  This is GOOD.  It prevents indiscriminant installation of malware and malicious programs.

Need Windows PC Help?  Call 732-568-4943 Free initial consultation and reasonable rates thereafter.  Follow me on Twitter 

